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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Web Design Presentation

Yet another class post!

Yesterday we had a presentation on an art school.  Actually it's a whole string of art schools, each offering different classes.  Yesterday we had a small assembly (my Web Design class and one other class)and a woman from the Art Institute talked to us about web design, fashion design and a whole host of other things.  It sounded pretty interesting, but I don't know if I would like to go to school there.  I was planning on going into either computer forensics or field forensics.  I don't know if the Art Institute has these classes....  I think these are lucrative careers. There is always a demand for product endorsement and  companies want to rake in as much money as possible.  If a good web/fashion/game/product designer can do that for them, then the company is all set!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Here's another class post, guys.

I like Photoshop because of the countless things you can do with it.  You can create mock web pages, edit photos (hence the name), write text banners, and so much more.  The only thing I don't like very much is the difficulty navigating around.  Then again, that may be because I've never used Photoshop before, except for this project.  I think it is so popular because it fits everyone's needs.  If a web designer needs to create a web page, they can copy and paste borders, backgrounds, and pictures onto Photoshop to make a practice template before they actually begin designing.  Or if someone wants to edit their photos for online displays they can easily do that on Photoshop.  It was difficult at first for me to use all the tools and to figure out what tool would help in a specific situation.  I think that with more practice using Photoshop will definitely get easier and more fun!

--Swimmer Girl

Monday, October 18, 2010


Another class post, my friends.  This time it's about the new proposal at my school: next year, the school hopes to supply one laptop for every kid.

In 2011, next year, my school plans to begin a program called the 1:1 Implementation.  This program hopes to give one laptop to every kid to make the school more modern and technological.  My school will be one of the first in my state to use this program, which is pretty cool.  We may still have to carry books around, however.  I think it's a pretty good idea, but it could also be bad.  There would be more interactive things during classes, but kids would go online and play games, check their email, or go on Facebook.  I also don't know what certain subjects would do with them; for example: social studies.  Everything we need is in the textbooks, so why would we need to use the internet?  There is also some confusion as to who is going to pay for these laptops.  Many people are hoping the school will, but where is it going to get all that money?  The logical idea would be for the parents to pay, but some families in my town need financial help or just don't want to pay for them (they don't see what help laptops would be in school).  Personally, I would love to have a laptop, but I'd like it if the school bought it.  It sounds like a fantastic idea though!
--Swimmer Girl

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Where Has The Time Gone?

Hello to everyone!  Sorry I haven't updated in a while, swimming and school've been keeping me busy.  This is another class post, but it is also a review post!
The book I just read was Eon: Dragoneye Reborn.  It's by Alison Goodman, an Australian writer.  The second one is a work in progress and I cannot wait until it's published!  The main storyline is set in the past (from the way it is described, China), with twelve dragons ruling the heavens.  Dragoneyes are the men (no women) who can control the dragons' powers using their Hua, an energy force that runs through all living things.  There are twelve dragons, one for each animal on the Chinese calendar.  For example: the Dog Dragon, the Tiger Dragon, the Goat Dragon, etc.  The main two dragons in this book are the Rat Dragon and the Dragon Dragon, or the Mirror Dragon.  Nobody has seen the Mirror Dragon for 500 years, until a boy named Eon reawakens it.  However, Eon has a secret: he is actually a she, her true name is Eona.  Can Eon use the dragon's power to stop the evil Lord Ido from taking over?  read the book!  you can get it at Barnes and noble or your local library, which is what I did. 
I thought the plot of this book was fresh and new, and the author puts a lot of description into her writing.  I was so engrossed in the book that I finished it in two days (and that's pretty impressive considering I can only read at night)!  I am eagerly awaiting the sequel.  Every scene was so incredibly detailed, even going as far to mention the bricks crumbling on a faraway corner on a wall!  I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!
--Swimmer Girl